Trip Yay and Nays: Top 10 Ways to Boost YOUR Travel

Travelling can be a rewarding experience, whether it’s for business or leisure. However, the difference between a successful trip and a stressful one comes down to a few key decisions. To help you organise your next adventure, we went ahead and compiled a list of trip yay and nays; the deciding factors which will determine if you fly on your next adventure or struggle.

  1. Yay: Pack Smart and Light Packing is a travel must. A big yay is to pack light and smart. Try using versatile clothing that can be layered for different weather conditions. Also don't forget your daily essentials: a portable charger, an adapter and sun cream for the hot weather. Packing Cubes are another ‘Travel Do’ as they are perfect for organisation. Nay: Overpacking Overpacking can weigh you down (literally). Unnecessary fees can also be added due to excess weight, so stick to the ‘must haves’ and leave behind the items you simply won't need.
  1. Yay: Book Accommodation in Advance Securing Accommodation well in advance is a must-do. This will give you peace of mind and commonly will land you better rates. We advise you to book hotels, hostels and rentals with flexible cancellation policies in case your plans change. Nay: Booking Accommodation Last Minute

It may seem adventurous however last minute bookings can lead to stress and higher prices. Avoid the hassle of paying premium prices or being denied accommodation altogether and book ASAP.

  1. Yay: Learn Basic Local Phrases It is quite common to adventure to foreign countries that don't speak English. Learning a few basic phrases such as hello, good morning and goodbye can boost your visit and go a long way to making your stay more memorable. You will also gain the respect from the locals who may return the friendliness in other ways. Nay: Assuming Everyone Speaks English Not everyone in foreign countries will speak English and assuming so can lead to misunderstanding and missed opportunities for a genuine cultural exchange. Make the effort to use the local language; small gestures come with big rewards.

  2. Yay: Use a Local SIM Card or eSIM Staying connected is an essential part of travel. A trip yay is to purchase a local Sim card (€19.50_€41.50) or use an eSIM. These will help you avoid the expensive roaming charges and ensure you have access to translation apps, maps and other travel must haves. Sanctifly have a SUPER partnership option with JetPac for exactlky this! stream movies anywhere :)

Nay: Relying on Wifi Alone Depending on Wifi can be a risky and unreliable way of travelling. It can be insecure especially in public places such as cafes. Having your own mobile data allows you to communicate on the go and gives you the freedom you need.

  1. Yay: Digital Copies of Important Documents This is a travel must! Carrying digital copies of your passport, visa and travel insurance is essential. Store these copies on your phone and if your physical copies get stolen or damaged then you have a backup. Nay: Relying on Physical Documents

While we would always advise to have physical documents. It is unwise to rely solely on them, this is a travel nay. If the physical copies get lost or damaged it can cause significant issues.

  1. Yay: Travel Insurance Travel Insurance is a non-negotiable travel essential. It protects you against unforeseen events like medical emergencies, lost luggage or trip cancellations. This overall is a small but crucial investment. Nay: Skipping Travel Insurance Travelling without this is a major holiday don’t. It might seem like it is unnecessary however in the event of an emergency it will be a life saver.

  2. Yay: Try Local Cuisine One of the biggest influences of travel is the [local cuisines]4. It is a key part of any cultural experience and many times it is the most memorable. We encourage you to be adventurous; try the street food, local pastries and savour the authentic and unique flavours. Nay: Sticking to Familiar Foods Travelling is about escaping the comfort zone. Sticking to international chains can be a big travel nay. You could miss out on the rich diversity that your destination offers. We advise allergens to take extra precautions as other countries may not be as strict with cross contamination. Try this allergy friendly guide for a trip in Dublin, Ireland.

  1. Yay: Research Layover Options Layovers may feel long, if so then make the most of the opportunity. You can research yourself layover activities, tours or lounges where you can relax. The research may take some time however the opportunities are endless.

Nay: Wasting Layover Options Sitting idle in the airport during long layovers is a massive travel nay for us. Layovers can and should enhance your trips.

  1. Yay: Make the Most of Your Layover with Sanctifly With much research we have concluded the best way to spend your layover is with the Sanctifly app. Whether your layover is short or long, Sanctifly offers a curated selection of activities, spa, gym and lounge access, all of which can be selected depending on how you feel. Don't let your time sink away while waiting; let Sanctifly guide you to the best experiences. Real time updates and personalised suggestions, Sanctifly will ensure you get the best of your travel. Download Sanctifly today and get all of our exclusive features.

Conclusion Travelling is full of yays and nays; small decisions can either make or break your trip. Staying connected, packing smart, and making the most out of every situation (even layovers) is vital for having a smooth travelling experience. Keep these travel must-haves and holiday do’s and don’ts in mind when planning your next holiday. Finally always remember, when it comes to organising the perfect holiday, Sanctifly is your perfect go-to option out there because we care about your travel.