How Does Business Travel Impact Mental Health?

“I get to travel soon! But I have to work the entire time.” Have you ever had this thought? If so, you are likely aware of the ways in which business travel can stress you out, and even negatively impact your mental health. Below, we'll explore this issue and what you can do about it.

How Can Business Travel Adversely Affect Me?


It might sound strange; after all, you’re traveling for work. How can your productivity be affected by that? As it turns out, we tend to be less productive when we’re on the road. This is due to a variety of factors, including more time spent in transit, recovering from jet lag or the general fatigue of travel, and even just the change of pace throwing our schedule off a bit. To top it all off, when we travel, we’re often disconnected from supervisors or bosses who typically support us.

Due to all of these factors, productivity can lag despite the fact that you're traveling specifically for work! Creating a work schedule can help you to achieve your goals while you travel for business.

Diet Disruption

Typically there are fresh foods to eat to maintain good health not only physically, but also mentally. When you travel, however, you often wind-up eating whatever’s most convenient. (Don’t worry, we’re all guilty of it). Often enough, that convenient food we eat during our travels isn’t the healthiest, and it throws whatever diet we typically maintain out of whack.

While this won’t necessarily do much damage if it only happens on occasion, problems may arise if you’re a frequent traveler. A poor diet can result in everything from weight gain, worse sleep, and to feelings of disappointment or failure.

The health food trend is a global one, and there are plenty of ways to stick to your diet, regardless of where or how you’re traveling. If you’re sticking to domestic travel, you can always pack healthy snacks, and to some extent entire meals. If work sends you abroad, meanwhile, try to do a little research in advance of your trip. You'll likely be able to get a feel for the area and figure out where to find healthier options. The Sanctifly app has researched the healthiest spots to eat at the airport. We recommend restaurants that serve freshly prepared, healthy meals. Download the app today to see our recommendations, and for more content on what snacks to pack on your next trip.

Family and Relationship Issues

A work trip once in a while usually isn’t cause for concern, but frequent travelers often find themselves in hot water with loved ones. Your family members may feel abandoned while you're out of town, and you may experience feelings of guilt as the traveler. Naturally, these negative feelings can be exacerbated by longer trips, or those that take you particularly far from your everyday life.

In all of these ways, work travel can become a personal burden, and ultimately chip away at your mental health.

It’s important to keep in contact with family, even when you’re on a work trip. Technology makes this much easier than it used to be, and video calls are a cinch. Also consider separating time that can’t be touched by your employer, such as weekends or certain hours after the typical work day (which you should try to maintain even on the road!). This gives you and your family some time together regardless of what’s going on at the company.

Maintain Access to a Mental Health Practitioner

This is more of a tip for companies and employers than for travelers. But companies should ensure that employees have access to professionals who can offer mental health guidance when necessary. Today, experienced nurse practitioners are increasingly well trained in psychiatric and mental health areas, and can often be accessed via online portals and other forms of remote appointments.

Having these types of qualified professionals available –– whether through your company or via your own initiative –– ensures that help is an option if and when you feel the mental health burden of work travel.

The Sanctifly app can also help, with over 100 hours of wellness content in our library, ranging from mediations, exercise and stretch videos, and carefully curated healthy airport guides.

Unfortunately, stress from work travel remains an all-too-common issue. Findings from university studies of business travel have found definitively that those who travel more have the poorest "self-rated health," and suffer more from depression and anxiety.

Some of this is due to certain pressures that simply come with this kind of working lifestyle. However, by sticking to ordinary hours, making sure you have help available, eating healthy, and even keeping in touch with friends and loved ones, you can make frequent business travel less burdensome.

With over 3000 wellness options at 165 airports, Sanctifly is here to help support you and keep you healthy while on the road. Download the app and start creating better travel habits today.


Article exclusively written for Sanctifly

By Riva Jordyn