5 Tips For A Healthy Heart

Tips to keep your heart healthy

  1. Floss

  2. Cardio

  3. Eat a balanced diet

  4. Manage stress

  5. Limit alcohol

Over the last year our health and wellness have been at the forefront of our minds. However, because of Covid-19, the spotlight has been largely focused on our lungs. Though the Covid-19 pandemic is still with us and still a significant worry, it is equally important that we remember that there are other aspects of our health that need looking after. February is heart health month and with the added stress and anxiety of the past year, it is more important than ever that we look after our hearts. So much of our daily routines impact our heart health. According to the CDC, heart disease is one of the leading causes of death among Americans. Some of the leading contributing factors towards poor heart health are high levels of stress, poor diet and lack of exercise. All these are challenges that are faced by frequent travelers every time they are on the road and, as we look back over the last year, they are challenges we have all been facing in our new normal. Our exercise, eating, work and travel routines have all been disrupted in 2020 and many of our previous healthy habits are no longer practiced. So let’s start building up some healthy habits again that are good for our hearts (and the rest of us!). Here are 5 tips you can introduce into your daily routine to help keep your heart healthy.



According to Harvard medical school, and countless other studies, there is a significant link between your gum health and your heart health. Although the exact cause is still debated, whether it be the prevalence of bacteria in the mouth or some other cause, the fact is the state of your mouth is an indicator of how healthy your heart is. So make flossing and good oral hygiene part of your everyday routine and you can reduce your risk factor for cardiovascular problems in the process.



Cardio exercise gets the blood flowing and the heart pumping. Your heart is a muscle, and like any other muscle in the body if you do not build it up and make it strong it will not work as well as it could. Cardio exercise helps to improve circulation, lower your blood pressure and helps to regulate your heart rate, all elements that contribute to a healthy heart. Examples of cardio exercise are running, cycling, jumping – anything that gets the heart pumping.

Does the prospect of going for a run seem completely daunting to you? I get it, believe me. Running was never particularly appealing to me, even though I know it is a great (and free) way to get in some cardio exercise. My block against running was as much mental as it was physical. I could make sense of the fact that I would need to start slow in order to build up my fitness, but how do you overcome the mental challenge? When my mind was shouting, ‘Stop running!’ even though I was more than capable of going further? The answer for me was to follow a Couch to 5K running schedule, developed especially for beginner runners. It is a 3-week plan that helps introduce you slowly to running and build up your stamina. There are lots of apps you can download to help you keep track of the schedule, the C25K app is definitely one of the best. Download it today and start running!


Eat a balanced diet

They say you are what you eat and when it comes to your heart, it’s kind of true. If you stick to a stodgy, fatty diet with little variety it will take a serious toll on your heart and overall health. A healthy balanced diet full of fruit and vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats is the best option. 

Here is a great tip to get started towards a healthy diet. Learn how to use fresh herbs in your meals. Herbs bring lots of flavour with little negative side effects. If you are someone that often adds salt or butter to meals for that added flavour, incorporating fresh herbs is a great replacement. Also, it is much easier to chop up some parsley and add it to your pasta sauce than sit down and eat a whole plate of vegetables. If you are not a vegetable eater, trying to force yourself to eat too much in one go will only have negative effects and turn you off. Start with some small wins by adding more fresh herbs to your next meal.


Manage stress

Stress can play a significant role in poor mental and physical health. According to this 2017 study, persistent emotional stress not only makes us more susceptible to risky behaviour such as smoking, drinking and other bad habits but the part of the brain that is activated by stress has a direct link to cardiovascular events. We are living in stressful times and unfortunately, it is unavoidable and out of our control. However, how we react to stress is within our control and the methods we use to deal with stress can have a direct effect on our hearts.

Here are some ways to help deal with stress.

  1. Breathing exercises are a great way to calm racing thoughts and focus your attention on the present.

  2. Exercise is another great way to focus your mind and body on the present moment.

  3. Meditation has so many great benefits and the ability to process stressful events in a calm and controlled manner is just one of them. Check out this article for some tips on getting started with meditation


Limit alcohol

The idea that a glass of red wine now and again is good for your heart has been around for a long time. While it is true that the antioxidants found in red wine are good for you, a direct link between red wine and heart health has never actually been found. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up your glass of wine. At Sanctifly we don’t believe you have to go all or nothing when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle. Have your drink and enjoy it! The key point to remember is to enjoy it in moderation. Limit your alcohol intake (especially when you are on the road!) and your heart will be happier and healthier for it. 


Looking after your health and wellness has never been more important than it is right now, whether you are traveling or staying at home. Now is the time to work on building up those healthy habits so that when we do return to normal we are better equipped than ever to deal with life’s challenges. Sanctifly is your guide to building healthy habits and resetting your mindset in 2021 and beyond. We are committed to helping you to make your health and wellness a priority. We have lots of helpful advice and tips in the Sanctifly app, most of which is as relevant now as it will be when we return to travel. Become a member today and get exclusive access to fitness, meditation, stress management and nutrition content from leading experts in the field to help you on your journey towards a healthier you.


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